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2018 Hopkins County Hospital Foundation Lights of Life  Campaign Honorees


Every year, the Lights of Life Campaign Committee selects an individual, couple, group or business that has shown exceptional service, commitment and passion for Hopkins County and specifically for their support of the hospital.   That tradition continues with the 2017-2018 Campaign Honorees.

Hopkins County EMS

Since August of 1983, Hopkins County EMS has compassionately served the residents of Hopkins County and the surrounding communities. Responding to over 7,000 requests for service annually Hopkins County EMS operates four Mobile Intensive Care Units (MICU) in Sulphur Springs along with two additional MICU ambulances in our neighboring cities of Cooper and Mount Vernon. With a staff of 33 full-time paramedics, greater than half are critical-care trained which requires additional education to manage high acuity patients and associated critical-care equipment. Hopkins County EMS, a continued leader in emergency medical services in East Texas, has recently expanded services for disaster management. Partnering with Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) by operating one of 13 Ambuses in the state. This commitment is another example of Hopkins County EMS continued dedication to the people they serve.

Hopkins County EMS has previously been awarded Injury Prevention Provider of the Year Award from DSHS. Additionally, the American Heart Association has recognized Hopkins County EMS for three consecutive years as a Mission Lifeline Gold Award winner for quality and patient outcomes in chest pain patients.  Hopkins County EMS has also been recognized by two regional advisory councils on trauma, Northeast Texas and the Piney Woods for being EMS Provider of the Year and Emergency Response Partner of the Year. Providing the highest quality of emergency prehospital care and the continued dedication of the EMS team has allowed Hopkins County EMS to be a pacesetter in the EMS community.

In addition to the countless hours of work the EMS teams perform, they are also extremely involved in community activities. They participate in all aspects of hospital events, Hot August Nights, Stew Contest, Kids Safe Saturday, LEAP, Cotton Festival, Country Festival, rodeos, football games, 911 The Connection, Black Jack Days, Independence Celebration, MADD, United Way, CPR Classes for SSISD, Volunteer Fire Departments & SSPD, Trunk or Treat, Relay for Life, Lights of Life Activities, Parades…plus much more!

On behalf of the 2018 Gala Chairs- Charles & Sharon Helm and the Lights of Life Campaign Committee…Hopkins County EMS, THANK YOU!