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New Unclaimed Property Website

Texas Comptroller’s Office Unveils New Unclaimed Property Website

(AUSTIN) — Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar reminds Texans to search for their unclaimed money this holiday season with the Unclaimed Property Division’s new and improved website,

“I am proud of our unclaimed property program, which has returned about $800 million to its rightful owners since I’ve been Comptroller,” Hegar said. “The newly redesigned website makes it even easier for users to search for unclaimed property, and I encourage everyone to go online, take a look around and see if there is money waiting for you or your loved ones.”

New features include:

an enhanced search function for more comprehensive self-service searches;
the ability to upload claim documentation directly to; and
better mobile features that make it easier to search on smartphones and tablets.
Since the program’s inception in 1962, the state has returned more than $2 billion in unclaimed property to its rightful owners. In fiscal 2017, the agency paid a record $281 million in claims. You can search to see if you have unclaimed property or call 800-321-2274 (CASH).


Fiscal Notes: The Cost of Aging Government Technology

(AUSTIN) — In the latest issue of Fiscal Notes, released today, the Comptroller’s office examines Texas state government’s aging information technology (IT) infrastructure, and the challenges it faces in serving a population growing by nearly half a million residents a year.

The state spends more than $300 million annually on maintaining legacy systems — hardware and software so old they are no longer supported by their makers — according to a Texas Department of Information Resources estimate.

“Texas agencies have a lot of IT assets that are aging, some of them running on archaic programming language dating back to the 1950s,” Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar said. “Each year, the state spends hundreds of millions of dollars on maintaining these outdated systems, and updating or replacing them would cost even more.”

The December-January issue of Fiscal Notes also examines a major new IT-related project spearheaded by the Comptroller’s office — the Centralized Accounting and Payroll/Personnel System, or CAPPS. This project will replace the state’s primary automated business applications for financial reporting and human resources.

Fiscal Notes is available online and also received by subscribing via the Comptroller’s website.

Fiscal Notes helps promote and further explain the Comptroller’s constitutional responsibility to monitor the state’s economy and estimate state government revenues. Published since 1975, it features an in-depth analysis concerning state finances and original research by subject-matter experts in the Comptroller’s office.