The Board of Directors of the Ark-Tex Council of Governments (ATCOG) will meet at 10:00 a.m., Thursday (Dec 8) at the Ark-Tex Council of Governments, 4808 Elizabeth St., Texarkana, TX.
Item 1. Call to order.
Item 2. Invocation.
Item 3. Self-introductions.
Item 4. Approve the minutes as submitted by the Ark-Tex Council of Governments Board of Directors Meeting held Thursday (Sep 29) in Sulphur Springs, Texas.
Review and Comment
Item 5. Review and comment on an application to the US Department of Agriculture, Rural Development Office, by Linden Economic Development Corporation for a grant of $99,900, to establish a new revolving loan fund for small businesses in the City of Linden and within a five mile radius. (To be presented by staff member Vickie Williamson)
Regular Business
Item 6. Review and consider approval of a Board member to serve on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors to fill a current vacancy. (To be presented by Nominating Committee Chair, Ann Rushing,
Mayor, City of Clarksville)
Item 7. Review and consider approval of revisions to the ATCOG Policies and Procedures Manual as revised by the Board of Directors March 27, 2014. (To be presented by staff member Sharon Pipes)
Item 8. Review and consider approval of ATCOG membership for the City of Red Lick. (See attachment 2) (To be presented by staff member Amber Thurston)
Other Business
Item 9. Presentation of Bylaws ideas. (To be presented by Executive Director Chris Brown)
Item 10. Ratification of Transportation Project Grant Agreements. (To be presented by Executive Director Chris Brown)
Section 5311 Rural Transportation Assistance Program (RTAP)
TIGER Application
Item 11. Discussion of North East Texas Regional Coalition legislative visits. (To be presented by Executive Director Chris Brown)
Item 12. Executive Directors Report. (For information only – to be given by Executive Director Chris Brown)
Ombudsman Monitoring Report 1
The next Executive Committee Meeting will be Thursday (Jan 26) at 10:00 a.m., at the Titus County Extension Office in Mt. Pleasant, Texas.