After receiving no adverse comments on a proposed tax increase, the Paris Junior College Board of Regents adopted a 2020 tax rate of $0.089 per $100 valuation at their Monday evening meeting. They also received a report on a fall enrollment drop, mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic effects.
Compared to one year ago, PJC fall enrollment is down 11.31 percent in contact hours and nine percent in headcount. Most colleges in East Texas show declines, some by as much as 15 percent, though all numbers are not yet available. The pandemic has affected all areas, including dual credit students at PJC, with 83 fewer than last year taking classes.
There should be some reduction in overload and adjunct pay due to lower enrollment, according to Dr. Pam Anglin, PJC President, but more sections were offered for the fall semester to provide more choices to students. These included real-time video interactive courses as well as face-to-face, online, and hybrid classes.
In other business, the Regents:
- As required annually, set a pricing guideline for Continuing Education classes. There were no changes from the previous year’s formula.
- Canceled elections for Place 3, Place 4 and Place 7 as no opposing candidates filed.
- They received a report on Student Achievement Targets from Institutional Research Director, Dr. Jacqueline Messinger. The SATs are in line with targets the state tracks for accountability and success points for funding. The majority of targets show increases. The only one not yet meeting the goal is in developmental writing, and Dr. Messinger expressed confidence that this would improve in the future.
- They heard an update on a new agreement with Princeton Review’s As more students move to online classes at PJC, this agreement will provide additional support for students.
- They received an update on COVID-19 cases at PJC.
“For the most part,” said Dr. Anglin, “our students are doing a really good job wearing masks and socially distancing. Our students want to be here.”
- They accepted Mark Kjellander for Computer Information Systems, effective September 8, and Baleigh McCoin as Director of Institutional Advancement and Alumni, effective October 1.
Also accepted the retirements of EOC Advisor Sophia Noiel, effective July 8, and Director of Institutional Advancement and Alumni Derald Bulls and Chemistry Instructor Don Kosterman, effective August 31; and the resignations of Associate Degree Nursing Instructor Tonya Jackson, effective August 14, and Women’s Basketball Coach Rosalyn Tindel, effective September 14.