TxDOT Reminder: Don’t Place Signs along Highway Right of Way
Violators face fines up to $500
PARIS – During campaign season, the scenic Texas landscape blooms with a particular kind of flower, the political sign. TxDOT officials remind the public that placing campaign and other signs on public lands is illegal.
Signs and other objects that encroach the right of way create safety violations and potentially dangerous situations for motorists. Consider and remember these pointers before planting any sign:
It is illegal to place any sign on or within the right of way. The posting of signs on right of way includes on trees, telephone poles, traffic signs and other objects on the right of way.
Campaign signs along Texas roads can on private property with the landowner’s permission. Property owners could be liable if there is an accident. Especially if objects they place on the right of way are involved directly or indirectly.
Posting of campaign signs should not be earlier than 90 days before an election or within ten days after the election.
Before placing a sign inside of incorporated city limits, check with the town for applicable ordinances. Signs must meet some basic criteria. The material must be lightweight and can be up to 50 square feet in size. The removal of signs, without prior notice, includes those placed on the right of way or posing a traffic hazard. The sign owner pays all costs associated with removal
Political candidates and their supporters should know that it is illegal to put any sign on state highway right of way without authorization. TxDOT’s regulatory authority allows the immediate removal of a sign placed on state highway right of way without prior notice, especially if state law or TxDOT does not authorize or approve the sign. The penalty for violating this law is a fine of up to $500 per sign.
The law also applies to other signs. It is illegal to put any sign, including garage sale and business signs on state highway right of way without authorization. “Sign” is defined as any outdoor sign, display, light device, figure, painting, drawing, message, plaque, or another thing designed and intended to advertise or inform.
Right of ways varies statewide. Contact the TxDOT county maintenance office nearest you for help in determining proper sign placement.
For more information, contact [email protected] or (903) 737-9213.