COVID Hot Topics
Local Health Authority for Hopkins County:
Dr. Balkcom, MD
Brynn Smith, RN, EMT-P
- Teresa Botello, EMT-P
- Jennifer Davis, RN
- COVID is transmitted through droplets. Droplet Video
- COVID is prevented by preventing those droplets from infecting you and preventing you from infecting others. This is accomplished through hand hygiene and masking.
- Masks
- Shields
- Bandanas and neck gators are the least effective Mask types that are effective.
- Hand washing
- Surface cleaning Surface survival for COVID
- Masks
- What if you’ve been exposed?
- Definition of exposure.
- Within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more to an infected person.
- Not all exposures are the same.
- High-risk exposures = 14-day quarantine no matter what.
- Critical Infrastructure personnel may differ.
- Wait at least 3-5 days or until symptoms begin to go get tested to ensure accuracy. The most favorable is 5-7 days. When to test after exposure.
- Definition of exposure.
- Testing Different testing types
- to find locations. You can also use
- Blood Test
- Shows exposure
- Not reliable for a positive or negative result
- Think dirty coffee cup.
- Antigen (“rapid test”)
- Nasal or oral swab
- Good for positive results after the waiting period after exposure. (near 0% false positive)
- NOT reliable for negative results (up to 50% false-negative rate) Test reliability
- Not reported widely to local health entities.
- Molecular-PCR
- Oral or nasal swab
- Most reliable for negatives and positives after the waiting period after exposure. (as low as 2% false-negative & 5% or lower for false positive)
- Takes days to get back
- Reported results
- What if you’re positive?
- Exposed household (high-risk exposures) needs to quarantine as well.
- Proper isolation and quarantine are key to reduce spread.
- With symptoms
- End isolation at the end of 10 days +fever and symptom resolution for 24 hours.
- Also depends on the severity of symptoms and a person’s health history.
- Without symptoms
- End isolation 10 days after test results received if no onset of symptoms for the duration.
- Do I need to get retested?
- NO
Helpful items:
Reduce group lunches
Bring clothes to change into at work.