News Release From Cumby ISD
303 Sayle Street Cumby, Texas 75433Phone 903-994-2260 Fax 903-994-2399
Shelly Slaughter, Superintendent
Dear Cumby ISD Family,
In keeping with Cumby ISD’s practices to respond to COVID-19, we are notifying students, parents, and staff that a student who was lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 was present in the district in Cumby High School Facilities on 08-07-2020. Due to .privacy requirements, we will not be releasing the name of the individual or details that may identify him or her.
Individuals determined to be in close contact with the infected individual have been contacted directly via telephone by our District Health Contact/School Nurse, Juliana Osornio. Those that were in close contact will remain off campus for up to 14 days to ensure that they do not have the virus, so that there will not be any further spread. If those quarantined want to return prior to August 24th they must have been quarantined for at least 5 days from last day of exposure and have obtained a PCR, or molecular, negative COVID test. A negative antigen test is not sufficient.
While we do not have reason to believe that those who were not in close contact with the infected individual have reason to be concerned, we ask that you, as always, watch for symptoms of COVID-19.
Any of the following symptoms indicate a possible COVID-19 infection:
- Temperature of 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit or higher when taken by mouth
- Sore throat
New uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing (or, for students with a chronic allergic/asthmatic cough, change in their cough from baseline) Diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain, or
- New onset of severe headache, especially with a fever
If any member of the Cumby ISD school community does begin experiencing any of these symptoms in a way that is not typical, we encourage you to contact your physician. We
CU MBY ISD docs not discrim inate on the basis ot&race, color, age. national origin, religion, sexual orientation or disability in tuattcrs affecting employment or in providing access to programs. Inquiries WIatcd to the policies ofCumby ISD should be directed to Shelly Slaughter 903-994-2260
encourage anyone in the Cumby ISD school community who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 to please notify our school by contacting the nurse or principal.
Our doors will open for face to face instruction on Thursday, August 13th as scheduled.
However, due to the positive student case and to the fact that several students and some staff are being quarantined as protocol states, we are allowing all students in grades 9-12 to change from face to face to remote learning through August 21 st, to return face to face on August 24th if a parent or guardian so chooses. Normally, switching between options is only allowed at the beginning of each grading period.
Cumby ISD recognizes that open lines of communication and public support are vital to a successful educational environment. We encourage everyone to stay informed on decisions made, and be assured that none of these decisions were made lightly. The District’s top priority is always student and staff safety. As the situation of COVID-19 evolves, the updates will be communicated to students, staff, and the community via our school website and through our call system.
Please understand and acknowledge that the circumstances and symptoms regarding COVID-19 are changing from day to day, and the District cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to COVID-19 and/or a mutation or variation of COVID-19. By allowing your student(s) to receive instruction in person, you assume all risks associated with that choice. Although several measures have been put in place, there is still risk.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our health protocols, please contact our School Nurse, Juliana Osornio at [email protected] or (903) 243-7077. If you have questions regarding instructional plans, contact Doug Wicks, [email protected] or (903) 994-4802 at the Elementary or Donna George, [email protected] or (903)9944801 at the High School.
Shelly Slaughter
Cumby ISD