Downtown Mount Pleasant receives statewide recognition from the
Texas Downtown Association
Downtown Mount Pleasant was the winner in two categories of the Texas Downtown Association (TDA) President’s Awards Program. The annual program recognizes outstanding projects, places, and people from across the state.
The Alley on Third in Downtown Mount Pleasant was named the winner of the Best Public Improvement category for a community with a population under 50,000 along with the Downtown Seguin Public Library. Mount Pleasant’s Cinco de Mayo event received a Spirit of Downtown Award.
The Best Public Improvement category recognizes excellence in public projects and planning in downtowns or commercial districts. Public projects are improvements of open space(s) by public or private entities. It includes reclaiming parks/green space, enhancements or additions of streetscapes, sidewalks, landscaping, public art, banners, and lighting, as well as downtown master planning. Public improvement projects should be compatible and complementary to the existing downtown or commercial district.
The Spirit of Downtown award recognizes local projects and programs completed in the previous year (June 30, 2016 – June 30, 2017). This category is for those projects or programs that do not fit in other types, but that represent the overall efforts of the downtown or commercial district and their goals for the year.
Submitted were one hundred and fifteen entries in twelve different categories from communities across the state. Judges reviewed entries online and then met in person to make their final selection of award finalists and winners. The panel included: Kent Collins, Centro Development; P.A. Geddie, County Line Magazine; Lois Rodriguez, Texas Highways; and Evan Thompson, Preservation Texas.
The announcement of winners was on November 8 at the President’s Awards Gala held in conjunction with the 2017 Texas Downtown Conference in McKinney.
TDA was established in 1985 to connect and serve communities that are committed to downtown vitality. The membership organization is an independent, statewide nonprofit that represents cities and towns of all sizes, economic development corporations, chambers of commerce, local organizations, small businesses, and individuals.