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Fatal Van Zandt County Crash




From State Trooper Jean Dark

State Troopers responded Thursday afternoon to a one vehicle fatal crash on FM-3080 in Van Zandt  County approximately five miles north of the city of Mabank.  Preliminary crash investigation revealed that a 2005 Dodge Ram 1500 pick-up was traveling east on FM-3080 when for an unknown reason, the vehicle veered off the south side of the roadway.  The vehicle then traveled back up onto the roadway but the driver overcorrected to the right and over turned the vehicle.  The Dodge rolled over, coming to rest upright partially on the roadway facing south.  A unrestrained passenger was ejected and died.  The passenger has been identified as Wilmer Turner, 81 years-old of Mabank.  Turner was taken to ETMC in Gun Barrel City where he was pronounced dead by Dr. Harold Hefner.  The driver has been identified as Mary Turner, 65 years-old of Mabank.  Turner was taken to ETMC in Gun Barrel City in stable condition.