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Highway Upgrades

Lamar County Judge Chuck Superville


Major Highway Expansion for Lamar County

The future of Paris and Lamar County will be significantly brighter in the coming years due to the announcement of significant highway expansions. There are transportation and highway development projects, in different stages, already approved by the Texas Department of Transportation for Lamar County and surrounding area.

Lamar County Judge Chuck Superville said, “Our office is proud to announce this economic development for all the citizens of Northeast Texas. This major construction project should take our area to the next level, and I am proud to have played a part in helping with this economic development.”

In general, the state approved some projects but did not fund all. They are all important because transportation is a system. Texas approved Highway 82 from Bonham east to the Fannin/Lamar County Line for about $70 million. Construction begins this winter.

The state approved the drawing of schematics for US 82 from the Loop in Paris, going west to the Lamar/Fannin County Line. A “schematic” is a realistic drawing of the project with engineering features, environmental requirements, and reasonably advanced design.

US 271 south from the Loop in Paris to FM 196 in Pattonville has been approved and fully funded in the amount of $26.7 million. It is approximately eight miles. They also agreed on production schematics for US 271 south from Pattonville to Titus County. It will pass through Lamar, Red River, Franklin, and Titus counties and ultimately connect with I-30.

Construction of US 82 from New Boston going west to DeKalb has been approved and funded. Also accepted, are schematics from Blossom, going east through Red River County to Bowie County. Once completed, with the above 82 project, US82 will be four-lane from US 59 at Texarkana in Bowie County west to Witchita Falls.

TxDOT plans completion this summer of four lanes for TX 19 and 24 south to I-30. With all these projects in play, officials are discussing a study of Loop 286 and its ability to handle the increased traffic.

The completion of these two major highway corridors will place Paris/Lamar County at the crossroads of major multi-lane highways with high connectivity in all directions to some of the most significant industrial and commercial hubs in the country. “This will not happen overnight, and it will not happen without a great deal of patient, mature, diligent, and professional workers and cooperation among a large number of entities and individuals. As County Judge, I am committed to making this slate of projects a reality,” said Lamar County Judge Chuck Superville.

Contact: Lamar County Judge Chuck Superville
Email:[email protected]
119 N. Main St #170, Paris, TX 75460
Ph: 903-737-2411