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Hopkins County Chamber Connection 10.03.19

The deadline for entry into the World Champion Hopkins County Stew Contest is Friday, October 4 at 5:00 pm. All cooks signed up for the 50th Annual Stew Cook-off will need to pick up their stew goody bags on Tuesday, October 15 from 8:00 am to 6:30 pm at the Chamber of Commerce (110 Main Street). Cooks will receive their grocery reimbursement from the Chamber, their goody bags, and a list of rules and regulations for the Stew Cook-off. First-time cooks will have a brief orientation meeting at the Chamber at 6:00 pm that day as well. Please make plans to be there! T-shirts will be available for purchase that night. Call the Chamber for additional information at (903) 885-6515.

I have some more very exciting news! The Chamber of Commerce is currently selling our 2019 Hopkins County Christmas ornament. This ornament is the second of our series and features our beautiful Buford Park, the 50th Anniversary Stew Contest, and beautiful oak trees under a starry sky. It is dated with the year, made with 24 karat gold, shatterproof, and VERY limited in number. They are quite beautiful and the perfect addition to a rare collection. They are $40 each and literally flying out the door. If you would like to purchase one, please call the Chamber at (903) 885-6515, or come by soon.

The Chamber is excited to announce our vendor call for the Stew Fest Market! The Chamber is currently accepting vendors for the Stew Fest Market, which will be located on the south side of Buford Park during Friday night and Saturday Stew Contest activities. This is a great opportunity to sell goods or to promote your business to 7,000 people who attend the Stew Contest annually. Vendors may rent booth space to sell goods or distribute information about their business. Booths will be assigned on a first-paid basis. Access to electricity is not guaranteed. Generators are permitted. Desserts may be sold, but no other food or drinks may be distributed. Vendors who are interested in purchasing booth space, call the Chamber of Commerce at (903) 885-6515.

Texafied JamFest schedules a ribbon-cutting

Texafied JamFest is hosting a ribbon-cutting celebration on Thursday, Oct 3 at noon at the Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce. Come by to learn all about the upcoming Texafied JamFest!Workforce Solutions will host its annual LEAP Conference on October 4 from 9:00 am to noon.

Workforce Solutions of Northeast Texas is hosting its annual LEAP (Learning Endorsements and Professions) Youth Expo on Friday, October 4. This event is very much like a job fair except that it is geared to educate eighth-graders and help guide them as they make their endorsement selections heading into high school. Workforce Solutions is seeking a wide variety of companies and businesses to attend the LEAP Youth Expo to describe your business and expose eighth graders to all career avenues after graduation. Since students now choose their high school endorsements while in eighth grade, the Expo is perfect for them. Over the past two years, they’ve had difficulty getting a veterinarian, doctor, dentist, orthodontist, pilot, author, artist, musician, architect, and sports/personal trainer. Please consider attending this Expo and taking visuals and information to give away. They will be so thankful to have you there!  Please call Bart Spivy at (903)794-9490 ext. 513 with any questions.

DBA hosts Worldwide Photo Walk

Our Sulphur Springs DBA is hosting the Worldwide Photo Walk on Saturday, October 5 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am. All interested participants should meet at Whimsy, located at 300 Connally Street in Sulphur Springs, that morning.  To RSVP, email [email protected].

Dutch Oven Cook-off and Indian Summer Days are scheduled Saturday, October 5

Hopkins County Heritage Park will host Indian Summer Days with the John Chester Dutch Oven Cook-off on Saturday, October 5 from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. Entry fee to the Indian Summer Days is $3.00 per person and includes food and fun for the whole family! While there, you may purchase an all you can eat plate for $5.00 to the Dutch Oven Cook-off. To enter the Dutch Oven Cook-off, call Rick Wilson at (903) 885-9692.

NETBIO hosts the Cattleman’s Classic Ribeye Roundup

NETBIO hosts the Cattleman’s Classic Ribeye Roundup and Steak Cookoff on Saturday, October 5. Dinner is scheduled for 6:30 pm, and the concert will follow featuring country music artist Mike Ryan. You don’t want to miss this!

Danna’s Buffalo Girls’ Flea Market Style/Swap

Join us for a ribbon-cutting celebration at 11 a.m. on Friday, October 11 for Danna and the Buffalo Girls. Danna’s Buffalo Girls’ will be having a flea market style/swap event on October 10, 11, 12 and 13 at 20670 Hwy. 11 E. in Winnsboro. The Hwy. 11 Treasure Trails, a garage sale stretching from Linden to Sulphur Springs, will be held in conjunction with the Flea Market that same weekend. Visit www.dannasfleamarketstyle.com or call 903-439-7091 for more information.

Eternity Creations is Hosting a Sweet 16 Birthday Party

Eternity Creations, located at 301 Gilmer Street, Suite 3, in Sulphur Springs, is hosting their Sweet 16 Birthday Party on Friday, October 11 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Stop by to wish Eternity Creations a happy birthday!

Barbara Bush Primary holds a 5K Fun Run

Barbara Bush Primary in Sulphur Springs is holding a Spooktacular 5K & Fun Run benefiting Barbara Bush PTO on Saturday, October 12th at 5:40 pm. Registration and packet pickup will begin at 5:00 pm, the Fun Run will begin at 5:40 pm, and the 5K will begin at 6:00 pm. For entry information, call Barbara Bush Primary at (903) 439-6170.

The Chamber of Commerce celebrated their big day with an open house and ribbon-cutting celebration on Tuesday, October 1 at our new location, 110 Main Street in Sulphur Springs. Thank you to everyone who came by to see us.  Stop by for a visit at the Chamber anytime!

CasaBlanca the Salon held its ribbon-cutting celebration on Friday, September 27 at noon.  CasaBlanca is located at 215 A Main Street in Sulphur Springs.