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Jarvis Christian College Oppens Off-Campus Site




Jarvis Christian College to offer off-campus instructional site at Friendship-West Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas

Hawkins, TX – Jarvis Christian College is pleased to announce the opening of its first off-campus instructional site, which will be at Friendship-West Baptist Church, 2020 Wheatland Road, in Dallas, Texas.

Beginning with the Fall 2016 semester, the College will offer the following programs at the site: Bachelor of Arts in Religion; Bachelor of Business Administration with a concentration in accounting, computer information systems, management and marketing; and a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice.

Registration for classes will open Saturday, Aug. 27, 2016, and will remain open continuous through Sept. 17, with classes slated to begin Sept. 20. Please note that courses will be flexible to accommodate the needs of adult students.

Persons with an immediate interest in enrolling at the site may contact Mrs. Dorothy Langley, Dean of the Renaissance Program at 903-730-4890, ext. 2904. Additional contact information will be available shortly.

Sherry P. Shephard
Director of Public Relations
Jarvis Christian College