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Jarvis Christian College Selected Two For Harvard University Program

Jarvis Christian College Students Selected for Harvard University Program: One thing a college president has to do is keep their ears and eyes open for their students’ opportunities. Dr. Lester C. Newman, who is the president of Jarvis Christian College (JCC), is always seeking ways to enhance JCC students’ opportunities.

As a member of the HBCU-ETS Steering Committee established for the Education Testing Services (ETS), he often learns of exciting and unique opportunities available to students. In a recent teleconference, his interest piqued when he learned that Harvard University was affording students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) to earn a Certificate of Readiness (CORe) through Harvard Business School Online. Immediately, a team of faculty and staff pulled together to select students and meet the deadline.

Two students were selected and ultimately accepted into the program. For the next four months, these students will immerse themselves in courses, real-life problem solving, and global connections. They enrolled in three courses, Business Analytics, Economics for Managers, and Financial Accounting. They will have graduate student mentors who will assist them in navigating through this process and faculty who will keep them engaged.

When Natasha Coleman-Ball, a recent honor graduate, heard that they had selected her, with excitement, she stated, “The opportunity to participate in such a program at Harvard University is thrilling. Even after my graduation from Jarvis Christian College, it is still opening doors for me, and it is my job to walk through them.”

Yeremia Kibangu, a sophomore who was accepted, stated, “I am excited about the opportunity to be a part of this program at Harvard University. When I enrolled at Jarvis Christian College, I never imagined this would be an option for me.

This program will enhance my financial services acumen and expand my networking opportunities.” Dr. Newman stated, “At Jarvis Christian College, our goal is to ensure that students who attend here have every opportunity to be the best they can be. Being able to put on your resume that you completed and earned a certificate from Harvard University is a great accomplishment for our students.”