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KOYN Teacher of the Week for Dec. 9th


main teacher of week

Our Teacher of the Week is Mrs. Rhodes, PreK teacher at TG Givens in Paris…nominated by Axle Jackson family who said: “I nominate Mrs.Rhodes because she has been so patient with Axle,he had a hard time at the beginning of the year and every morning she was there and ready for him to make him feel comfortable, all the kind words are for this teacher.  Truly are great full for teachers like her.”

Teacher of the Week is back for the new school year. We need your nominations. Head on over to, click on the KOYN logo and then the Teacher of the week logo. Enter as many educators as you want. Our winners have been teachers, administrators, bus drivers and school nurses. Remember and get your favorite educator picked for teacher of the week! They win a twenty five dollar gift certificate from Office Equipment Center. Teacher of the week and a certificate proclaiming them Teacher of the Week….from you and Your hometown station KOYN 93.9.