Kris Kristofferson, a country music legend and actor, has died. His family told The Associated Press Sunday that he died on Saturday at his home in Hawaii. He was 88. They gave no cause for his death.
Kris Kristofferson, a country music legend and actor, has died. His family told The Associated Press Sunday that he died on Saturday at his home in Hawaii. He was 88. They gave no cause for his death.
John Ashton, the veteran character actor who memorably played the gruff but lovable police detective John Taggart in the “Beverly Hills Cop” films, has died at 76.” Ashton died Thursday in Fort Collins, Colorado. No cause of death was immediately available.
Kris Kristofferson, una leyenda de la música country y actor, falleció. Su familia dijo a The Associated Press el domingo que murió el sábado en su casa en Hawái. Tenía 88 años. No dieron ninguna causa para su muerte.
John Ashton, el veterano actor de carácter que interpretó memorablemente al brusco pero adorable detective de policía John Taggart en las películas de “Beverly Hills Cop”, murió a los 76 años. Ashton murió el jueves en Fort Collins, Colorado. No se dio a conocer de inmediato la causa de la muerte.