Notice, now given that a Special Meeting of the Lamar County Commissioners’ Court will be on the 21st day of September 2020, at 9:00 am. It is in the Commissioners’ Courtroom located on the first floor of the Lamar County Courthouse, 119 North Main Street, Paris, Texas, at which time there will be discussion and action on the following subjects:
- Pledge of Allegiance. — Brandon Bell, Lamar County Judge
- Executive Session
Discussion and deliberation by the Lamar County Commissioners Court’ regarding consultation with an attorney. This agenda item is under Sec. 551.071 of the Texas Government Code. — Kayla Hall, Lamar County Auditor, Brandon Bell, Lamar County Judge
- Action regarding the executive session. —Brandon Bell, Lamar County Judge
- Discussion and action by Lamar County Commissioners’ Court regarding line-item transfers for various offices. — Kayla Hall, Lamar County Auditor
- —Lamar County Auditor, Kayla Hall