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Lamar County Head Start Starts Fridays Off With Outdoor Assembly

Pictured above: LCHS Staff member Clara Young helps student Tyler Reid dance in the soul train line.

Andrea Irwin, Counselor at Justiss Elementary School, introduced Friday morning assemblies to her campus in 2015.   Since then, each campus has created their own assembly to start their Fridays off with a little singing and dancing to motivate students and staff.

Lamar County Head Start assembles outside each Friday where the kids sing and dance with their class.  Director Eva Williams plays music while walking around and encouraging staff and students to dance and sing along.  Williams also takes this time to do her morning announcements, which includes calling out birthdays.

De’Sadreus McDonald (forward) and Kollin Morphew walk with their class into Friday’s assembly

The Soul Train dance line closes the assembly to let students spot light their own dance moves.  Students leave energized and ready to make the very best out of their Friday.  Mrs. Williams stated, “Kids are asking all week if we are going to get to dance on Friday.”