Fowler GT student Dalia Balderas presents her research on Mother Teresa to two kindergarteners
Sims GT student Kenlee Jaggers portrays Kate Middleton.
Sims GT student Sabrina Otero-Svirska is ready to present her research on Coco Chanel.
MPISD Gifted and Talented Students Present Wax Museums
Visit a wax museum, and you are likely to find realistic sculptures of famous people. Mount Pleasant ISD had its very own wax museums on the campuses of Vivian Fowler, Annie Sims, E.C. Brice, and Corprew Elementary Schools. Gifted and Talented (GT) students across MPISD selected their person to portray and conducted hours of research to capture the essence of their chosen character.
At Brice, Corprew, and Sims Elementary Schools, 3rd and 4th grade GT students had to choose a person that has made a positive contribution to society. They then had to present their selected person to Sims GT Coordinator Gina Landrum or Brice and Corprew GT Coordinator Jamie King and prove that their chosen person had contributed something positive to the world. At Vivian Fowler Elementary, students could choose a famous person, an animal or a country to research.
Across the district, GT students worked on research for about six weeks using books and the internet, meeting in GT class twice per week. Students had to create a display board depicting facts about their chosen person, country or animal and also decorate a table with props related to their studied topic. Finally, students, dressed in costume, had to write, memorize, and deliver a speech to their peers and families.
“Researching, taking notes, determining important vs. non-important information, summarizing and putting that information in their own words, public speaking, creativity…students utilize all of these skills and more throughout the process of preparing for the Wax Museum,” said Annie Sims GT Coordinator Gina Landrum. “As a bonus, students not only learn more about the positive impact that their chosen characters had on society, but they also learn the difference that one person can make in our world.”