Pictured Mount Pleasant High School Choir Area qualifiers / Front row (L to R) Aaliyah Gholston, Kristina Tidwell, Sara Vanhoose, Mattie Merriman / Back row (L to R) Hope Powell, Daniel Kimbrough, Hector Sierra-Rosales, Alivia Newman
Contact: Kelly Cowan
MPHS choir students advance to area auditions
Twelve All-Region Choir students from Mount Pleasant High School participated in Pre-Area auditions on Tuesday, November 14, at the Mount Pleasant High School Performing Arts Complex, performing four selections for the audition. Eight have advanced to Area auditions in January including senior Hope Powell (3rd chair 2nd Alto), junior Kristina Tidwell (2nd chair 2nd Soprano), junior Alivia Newman (2nd chair 2nd Alto), sophomore Mattie Merriman (4th chair 2nd Soprano), sophomore Aaliyah Gholston (5th chair 2nd Alto), freshman Sara Vanhoose (4th chair 2nd Alto), freshman Hector Sierra-Rosales (3rd chair 2nd Bass), and freshman Daniel Kimbrough (4th chair 2nd Bass).
“I am proud of the tenacity these young musicians have exhibited as they have worked diligently in preparation for the first two rounds of auditions and continue to prepare for the upcoming audition,” said MPHS Choir Director Nancy Vines.
Area auditions will be on Saturday, January 6, 2024, at Texas A&M University-Commerce.
The Area qualifying Ag Advocacy team (L to R) Cheyenne King, Reese Hill, Jay’Cee Alvarez, Lakyn Fortenberry
MPHS FFA District competitors
Area qualifier Rebecca Dunn with her 2nd place Greenhand Creed plaque
MPHS FFA students advance to area contest
The Mount Pleasant High School chapter of FFA competed at the Paris District Leadership Development Event (LDE) held at Texas A&M—Commerce on Monday, November 6. MPHS advanced to the Area contest in two events.
The seniors Lakyn Fortenberry, Reese Hill, Cheyenne King, and junior Jay’cee Alvarez advanced to Area in Agriculture Advocacy. In the Ag Advocacy event, teams of 3-5 create and deliver a presentation to promote the agriculture industry, educate the consumer and general public about the importance and value of the agriculture industry, and promote the principles of agriculture such as biotechnology, soil stewardship, resource management, economic and environmental benefits as well as the humane principles of sound livestock production and management. They evaluate teams on their presentation skills, creativity, organization, and their overall knowledge and skills.
Freshman Rebecca Dunn advanced to Area in Greenhand Creed. The Greenhand Creed event is limited to 7th, 8th, or 9th grade FFA members.
It is a speaking event in which the competitor recites the FFA Creed, and they evaluate the speaker on their overall speaking skills and ability to answer questions about the Creed.
The Area competition was in Tyler on Wednesday, November 15. Dunn placed 5th in Greenhand Creed, and the Ag Advocacy team ranked 11th.
MPHS FFA Advisors are Blake Denson, Susie Hearron, Mike Huff, and Rance White.
Wallace NEHS: The new Wallace Middle School National Elementary Honor Society members.
The 2023-2024 Wallace NEHS officers (L to R) Treasurer Luis Fernando, Vice President Aubriella Knieriem, President Kelvin Garcia, Secretary Jackson Fender, and Historian Braylee Noguera
Wallace Middle School holds the National Elementary Honor Society induction.
P. E. Wallace Middle School held its National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS) induction ceremony on Tuesday, November 14, in the P.E. Wallace gym. The school inducted seventy-seven sixth graders as new members of the Wallace NEHS Chapter. The Wallace NEHS chapter recognizes 6th-grade students for their outstanding academic achievement and demonstrated personal responsibility. The organization seeks to provide meaningful service activities for students in the school and the community and develop essential leadership skills. They must attend monthly meetings and participate in other chapter service projects and activities.
Mount Pleasant High School senior and MPHS National Honor Society Vice President Sophie Greco was the guest speaker. She reminded the students that she once sat in those same chairs and encouraged them never to give up, no matter their challenges. The newly elected officers explained the four pillars of NEHS: Leadership, Responsibility, Scholarship, and Service. Officers for 2023-2024 are President Kelvin Garcia, Vice President Aubriella Knieriem, Secretary Jackson Fender, Treasurer Luis Fernando, and Historian Braylee Noguera. They received their membership certificates from Wallace Principal Nathan Rider and recited the NEHS pledge.
New members of the Wallace Middle School Chapter of NEHS are Jimmy Aguilar, Uriel Almazan, Spencer Anderson, Kodi Baldwin, Margaret Barbosa, Jennifer Barboza, Jouselyn Bello, Noah Branton, Trey Brummell, Zachary Cabrera-Bryan, Valerie Castaneda, Jannahi Castro, Krystopher Castro, Leilany Castro, Mercedes Chavez, Kevin Contreras, Chelsea Cox, Shane Craig, Jesse Croley, Kaylee De La Cruz, Kaylee DeLaCruz, David Dorantes, Maritza Equihua, Brenna Farley, Jackson Fender, Wyatt Fender, Luis Fernando, Ivan Flores, Kelvin Garcia, Esmeralda Guerrero, Tomas Guerrero, Jr., Vicky Gutierrez, Piper Hearron, Lillian Henry, Jorge Hernandez, Kamariyah Hoskins, Sabrina Jacobo, Tiana James, Tristan Kirkland, Aubriella Knieriem, Scottlyn Lee, Karli Lowry, Ariadnna Martinez, Ulisses Mata, Stephanie Mendoza, Juan Mercado, Keila Mickens, Jonathan Morales, Kaycee Moran, Miguel Moreno, Joshua Morrison, Justin Moss, Robert Nelson, Braylee Noguera, Aldo Orona, Maddox Osornio, Sebastian Otero, Diego Parra, Boone Priefert, Kaydi Rogers, David Rojas, Jarrett Saldana, Axel Sanchez, Erica Sandoval, Josiah Segovia, Selah Setina, Devan Shelley, Josiah Shepherd, Keondre Shine, Dominick Sierra, Nathan Standefer, Brogan Stewart, Idreanna Thomas, Abigail Tolentino, Caleb Townson, Allison Urista, Aubrey White, and Zai’Nyria Williams.
“The Wallace Chapter of the NEHS will be working with The Mount Pleasant Middle-Level Future Business Leaders of America to collect books for our local hospital’s children’s wing and join them on Tuesday evenings packing bags at Titus County Cares,” said Wallace NEHS Advisor, Dana Armstrong. “The members will also make Christmas cards for a local nursing home and those serving our country. The officers will continue to work closely with the advisors to determine other ways the chapter can serve our community. Ms. Banda and I are blessed to lead a wonderful group of students and look forward to watching them grow in serving others.”
Dana Armstrong and Daisy Banda are chapter Advisors for the Wallace Middle School NEHS.
MPHS FBLA chapter
MPHS FBLA students attend Dallas Mavericks Business Marketing Day
Mount Pleasant High School’s Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) chapter traveled to Dallas to participate in the Mavericks’ annual Business Marketing Day on Wednesday, November 8. Students toured the American Airlines Center and heard presentations from marketing, sales, and public relations officials with the Mavericks. Students had the opportunity to learn about different sports and entertainment industry careers, including digital content, journalism, marketing, sales, public relations, internships, game-day planning, and advertising. Area 6 State Vice President and chapter co-president Sophie Greco even had the opportunity to ask a question of the panel on the marketing team.
After the tour and speaking engagements, students watched the Mavericks play the Toronto Raptors. John Whitten from Mount Pleasant High School and Daisy Banda from Mount Pleasant Junior High were the advisors on the trip.