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MPISD – News


Mt. Pleasant Junior High School
4th Six Weeks

All “A” Honor Roll

7th grade
Joselin Almazan, Addison Amerson, Hannah Anderson, Tobi Bradford, Shirlyn Cardona, Oscar Castellanos, Alejandro Castro, Briana Chavez, Kaylee Connally, Ella Cross, Brianne Davis, Clinton Debord, Noemy Dorantes, Drew Dyke, Kennady Ebarb, Diego Flores, Adrieanna French, Jose Fuentes, Ana Garrett, Briana Gonzales, Sophie Greco, Angelina Hernandez, Stephanie Hernandez, Rocio Herrera, Caelyn Hills, Jillian Jetton, Thomas Jones, Cheyenne King, Erik Liera, Silvia Lopez, Mia Loving, Jenna Mars, Rebecca Martinez , Cesar Martinez Rosales, Yalit Mata, Braiden Merryman, Amariya Miller, Evelyn Monreal, Luke Muskrat, Thomas Nguyen, Jake Noble, McKinsee Oviedo, Tisha Patel, Andrew Perez, Estven Perez, Cecilia Phan, Landon Pinckard, Said Ramirez, Michael Remlinger, Kiara Rundles, Lilianna Saavedra, Jakera Sanders, Jasmine Sanders, Enrique Serrano, Allie Sloan, Makayla Spigner, Sonia Sustaita, Diana Vargas, Harrison Wall

8th grade
Aniyah Alexander, Reese Ball, Vanessajane Bayna, Ava Bliss, Clayton Brison, Chloe Carter, Juan Cigarroa, Jenna Cook, Christopher Escobar, Luis Fuentes Jr., Jackie Gonzalez, Miranda Gonzalez, Pilar Gonzalez, Raegan Houchin, Rylan Hubbs, Kylie Humber, Sara Jackson, Camdon Johnson, Elvin Jones Jr., Ian Kilpatrick, Kevin Mares DeLaCruz, Samantha McClenan, Rosselyn Molina, Jesus Mora, Freddy Ortiz, Daniela Perez, Param Poudel, Tiffany Rangel, Leo Sambueso, Emma Sellers, Kaden Toon, Lourdes Tovar, Melissa Vazquez, Amy Vazquez, Javier Vazquez, Michelle Vazquez

Mt. Pleasant High School
4th Six Weeks

All “A” Honor Roll

9th Grade
Aachal Amin, Nevaeh Bardwell, Giselle Barrientos, Henry Chappell III, Parker Colley, Connelly Cowan, Mary Kaitlyn Heeren, Taylor Hubbs, Katherine Ochoa, Rosa Ojeda, Miriam Ramirez Gutierrez, Monserrat Rivero Sanchez, Alondra Valenzuela Huerta, Anna Claire Wall

10th Grade
Ashleigh Amerson, Lily Burrows, Ruben Carreon Gonzalez, Saide Carrillo, Desline Chavez, Jada Douglas, Maiko Estrada, Allie Fincher, Caleb Finigan, Chloe Garrett; Isabella Greco, Anna Harris, Naydelin Martinez, Valeria Moreno, Reid Pinckard, Essence Ponce, Sashi Poudel, Toni Price, Alejandra Ramirez, Alma Rodriguez, Jose Rodriguez, Patricia Roque, Nicholas Segovia, Taryn Thurman, Karen Trejo, Jessica Villegas, Carson Zachry

11th Grade
Lesly Atricso, Aaliya Avellaneda, Caleb Ball, Jacqueline Bello, Shelby Courreges, Jesenia De La Cruz, David Garcia, Colby Hunnicutt, Colton Majors, Abigail Mason, Cristina Olvera, Samuel Pearson, Israel Perez, Pedro Portillo-Rodriguez, John Rodriguez, Caroline Rose, David Smith, Brooke Vaughn, Emily Walden, Grace Whitten

12th Grade
Amanda Andersson, Averie Ayers, David Barboza, Mallory Campbell, Audrey Courreges, Dianna Daugherty, Taylor Dillard, Paula Flores, Hannah Gage, Carl Hinton, Laura Hochleitner, Annie Le, Jose Liera, Ita-ii Luna, Linda Martinez, Jacqueline Nieto, Samip Poudel, Ezequiel Salazar, Alexus Sampson, Ja’Terrian Sheppard, Jonathan Woods, Rebecca Yox


The Child Development Center with Mt. Pleasant ISD is now accepting applications for the 2019-2020 school year. The CDC serves children 0-5 years old in high-quality preschool classrooms, as well as pregnant mothers.

Applications may be picked up at the Child Development Center at 1602 West Ferguson Road or printed at The CDC serves Titus County children from 6:30 am – 5:30 pm Monday-Friday. Call 903-575-2092 to schedule an appointment or for more information.

El Centro de Desarrollo Infantil con el Distrito Escolar de Mt. Pleasant está aceptando aplicaciones para el año escolar 2019-2020. El CDC asiste a niños de 0 a 5 años de edad en salones preescolares de alta calidad, así como a madres embarazadas.
Las aplicaciones se pueden recoger en el Centro de Desarrollo Infantil en el 1602 West Ferguson Road o imprimirlas en El CDC asiste a los niños del Condado de Titus de 6:30am a 5:30pm de lunes a viernes. Llame al 903-575-2092 para programar una cita o para obtener más información.


Cutline: Mt Pleasant High School Art students show off the artwork they took to the VASE competition.

Group photo Back Row (l-r): Cessia Gonzalez, Luis Becerra, Anaeli Navarro, Parker Colley, Zaushalynn Lee, Jose Chavez, Shelby Courreges, Lluvia Melendez, Ashlee Stoffel, Elian Gonzalez, Luiz Olvera, Dianna Daugherty, Juan Perez

Front Row (l-r): Paola Ventura De La Cruz, Alexandra Ibanez, Maddison Weddle, Eimy Candelaro, Ita-ii Luna, Dulce Sanchez, Johann Sanchez, Allyson Swafford, Kurion Walker, Rosario Bello, Gissel Delgado, Danielle Merriman, Jose Castro, Zarahi De La Rosa, Mya Clark, Mariana Gonzalez

VASE state winners: l to r: Zarahi De La Rosa, Mya Clark, Mariana Gonzalez

MPHS students earn medals at VASE competition

Thirty-five Mount Pleasant High School Art students won high ratings for their pieces at the recent Visual Arts Scholastic Event (VASE) at the Region 8 ESC. Three students will move on to the state competition in San Marcos this April. Art pieces scored as a 4 (Excellent), a 3 (Strong), a 2 (Developing), or a 1 (Emerging). Twenty-nine students scored a 4, and the remaining six earned a 3.
Earning scores of 4 (Excellent) and moving on to the state are senior Zarahi De La Rosa, sophomore Mya Clark, and freshman Mariana Gonzalez.

Earning scores of 4 (Excellent) include Luis Becerra, Rosario Bello, Eimy Candelaro, Jose Castro, Jose Chavez, Parker Colley, Shelby Courreges, Dianna Daugherty, Hector Escobar, Tykerries Farrier, Cessia Gonzalez, Elian Gonzalez, Alexandra Ibanez, Zaushalynn Lee, Ita-ii Luna, Lluvia Melendez, Danielle Merriman, Anaeli Navarro, Juan Perez, Dulce Sanchez, Johann Sanchez, Alex Solis, Ashlee Stoffel, Allyson Swafford, Paola Ventura De La Cruz, and Maddison Weddle.

Earning scores of 3 (Strong) are Christopher Bello, Gissel Delgado, Luiz Olvera, Marco Ponce, Jaime Villarreal, and Kurion Walker.
“We took 35 students to the regional competition and brought home 29 medals,” said MPHS Art teacher Laura Kirkland. “I am now Regional Director so my students and I, along with a handful of volunteers, were in charge of running the entire event. And they did an amazing job! I am blown away at how my students stepped up to help in areas I didn’t even have to tell them. I am very proud of how our students did and how well they represented MPHS. Next time we will try to achieve all of us getting medals!”