Proclamation Whereas, Dr. Tommy Smith has served as Pastor of the First Church of God in Christ in Mount Pleasant, Texas, for over 50 years, beginning first as a musician, continuing as a Sunday School Teacher, and then Assistant Pastor; and Whereas, Dr. Smith also serves as the District Superintendent of Congregation in Sulphur Springs, Bonham, Commerce, Talco and the Mount Pleasant communities, and is the Chief Financial Officer of the Texas Northeast 3rd Jurisdiction of Churches of God in Christ; and Whereas, despite the challenges of battling cancer, he received his Doctor of Theology from Newburg Theological Institute in 2020, and has served our First Responders as Chaplain of the Titus Regional Medical Center and the Ride-Along Chaplain for the Mount Pleasant Police Department; and Whereas, in all that Dr. Smith does, he consistently sets examples of excellence, including to others in ministry as a Dean of Ordination for newly licensed ministers in our state; and Whereas Dr. Smith loves the Lord and will continue this ministry until the Lord calls him home upon which his greatest honor will be hearing the Lord say, “Well done thy good and faithful servant,” NOW, THEREFORE, I, Tracy Craig, Sr., by virtue of the authority and power vested in me as Mayor of the City of Mount Pleasant, Texas, and on behalf of the entire Council and citizens we serve, do hereby today proclaim our deepest appreciation and gratitude to Dr. Smith for his service and dedication in ministry for more than 50 years. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have caused the Seal of the City of Mount Pleasant, Texas, to be affixed this 7th day of November 2021. Tracy Craig, Sr., Mayor