They have sold out the Hopkins County Health Care Foundation’s Designer Handbag Bingo, but you could still win a luxury designer handbag. The Foundation is offering 300 tickets for sale for the Mystery Handbag Raffle. Tickets are $25 each.
They value the luxury designer bag at over $2,500. Tickets are available at handbagbingo24.givesmart.com until sold out. The drawing will occur at Designer Handbag Bingo on Thursday, August 8.
The Jypsy Willow is sponsoring the mystery bag. Watch for hints about the luxury bag on the Foundation’s Facebook and Instagram pages. The winner need not be present, but the bag must be picked up from the Foundation office. It will not be mailed, and only the winner may claim it.
Designer Handbag Bingo is now in its fifth year. Alliance Bank, Alliance Bank Financial Services, and Galyean Insurance are the title sponsors.
Funds raised through this event cover the expense of the free mammography clinic held in October for uninsured Hopkins County women over the age of 40.
To learn more about the event or to get your raffle ticket, visit the Designer Handbag Bingo website at handbagbingo24.givesmart.com.
The Foundation is in its 27th year of serving Hopkins County. It is an IRS 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit governed by a Hopkins County board of directors.