Due to the threat of inclement weather, the Paris High Class of 2017 Commencement has been moved indoors to the Wildcat Gym. The event will begin promptly at 8:00 pm Friday (Jun 2).
Each spectator, regardless of age, must hold a ticket to gain admission to the gym. Each graduate receives Nine tickets.
Friends and family holding valid tickets must enter by the east entrance off the main parking lot. There will be a live closed-circuit video broadcast of the graduation available in the cafeteria. Anyone not holding a valid ticket who wishes to view the telecast in the cafeteria may enter the doors by the main south entrance or by the doors nearest the cafeteria.
Doors will open at 6:30 pm. Spectators holding valid tickets should plan to arrive no later than 7:50 pm. If there is available seating in the gym, spectators in the cafeteria may fill them at that time.
Spectators will not be allowed out of their seats during the event to take pictures or video.
DVDs of the event, provided by BlueTube, the school’s award-winning video production program, may be ordered and available for pickup on Thursday (Jun 15) in the office during summer hours. A photographer from Henington School Services will provide picture packages of diploma presentations for $25. Graduates received photo order envelopes.
Designated colleges will receive the final transcripts of graduates. Request for additional transcripts must be in writing by the graduating senior.