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Paris ISD ‘Stuffed The Bus’ For Food Pantry

Jennifer Ray, stuffing drive director, and Paris Junior High School principal Kristi Callihan stand with 1,223 boxes of stuffing donated by PJH faculty and staff.

Paris Independent School District employees competed in a ‘Stuff the Bus’ stuffing drive and it was a complete success. District employees donated 3,085 boxes of stuffing for the Downtown Food Pantry.

Paris Junior High School principal Kristi Callihan is assisted by the PJH Builder’s Club officers, nurse Mindy Maxwell, and Jennifer Ray. They loaded 1,223 boxes of stuffing donated by PJH faculty and staff.

According to drive director Jennifer Ray, “It was a very close competition with Paris Junior High School winning over Paris High School by only five boxes!  PJH has possession of the coveted Traveling Turkey Trophy until the competition begins next year.”

PJH Builder’s Club officers (front row), Tait Moody, Kathryn De la Garza, (second row) Chase Lamb, Principal Kristi Callihan, Johnathan Young, Jaxon Bell, Ava Fitzgerald, (third row) Drive Director Jennifer Ray and State/Federal Programs Director Karol Ackley prepare to make delivery to the Downtown Food Pantry.

Operations Director Chuck Burton said, “This donation is going to make a lot of people have a better holiday season.  Every customer that visits the Pantry before Thanksgiving will receive stuffing and because of your donation, we will be able to give two boxes of stuffing to those in need.”

Asst. Superintendent Althea Dixon, Chuck Burton, Drive Director Jennifer Ray, State/Federal Programs Director Karol Ackley, and CTE and Secondary Education Director John McCullough deliver stuffing to the Downtown Food Pantry.

Paris Junior High School Builder’s Club officers traveled loaded the PJH donations and traveled on the bus to deliver to the Pantry.