Paris Police was called to the 1000 block of E. Booth after receiving a report of an alleged aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. A person believed to be from the Mt Pleasant area had allegedly driven a car through the front of the complainant’s residence and struck the complainant with the vehicle before driving out the side of the house. The suspect left the home and then returned. Police then arrived and the suspect fled in the vehicle. The pursuit was canceled after officers learned of a possibility of small children in the vehicle. The complainant sustained a broken leg as a result of the assault.
Paris Police responded to a disturbance in the 1700 block of Hubbard. A vehicle leaving the scene was pointed out to officers and a traffic stop was conducted on the vehicle in the 1800 block of Hubbard. Officers made contact with 29-year-old Benjamin Mitchell and three others inside the vehicle. Mitchell was arrested for possession of methamphetamine, and the others were taken into custody on misdemeanor charges.
Paris Police responded to the parole office and arrested Monty Johnston on a TDCJ warrant for violating his parole. He was also charged with a misdemeanor.
Paris Police conducted a traffic stop in the 10 Block of SE 13th and made contact with 29-year-old Robert Cooper. He was arrested for possession of 4.5 ounces of marijuana.
Paris Police responded to an assault complaint in the 200 block of SE 13th. Officers made contact with 27-year-old Bryin Robinson and learned he had an outstanding misdemeanor warrant out of Lamar County and arrested him. During a subsequent search, Robinson was found in possession of a firearm that had been previously been reported stolen and was charged with theft of a firearm.
Paris Police conducted a traffic stop in the 100 block of NE 21st and arrested 18-year-old Mitchell Harris for having marijuana flakes in his lap. Harris allegedly gave a marijuana cigarette to a juvenile during the stop and was arrested for delivering marijuana to a minor.
Officers responded to the 900 block of Clarksville Street in Paris to investigate a shoplifter. Officers located 55-year-old Marva Colbert in the 200 block of SE 13th and arrested her for being in possession of property stolen from a store in the 1300 block of Clarksville. Colbert was charged with theft, but the charge was enhanced due to prior convictions.