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Paris Rotary Inducts New Officers


The Rotary Club of Paris United recently inducted their Rotary Officers for 2020/2021. New Officers are Julie Anderson-President, Alex Fowzer-Immediate Past President, Michael Nickey-Secretary, Brittany Martin-Treasurer, Brenda Wells-Public Relations & Membership, Martha Higdon-Service Project, Janna Davis-Program Chair, Andy Cobb-Rotary Foundation, Shawn Reeves-RYLA Coordinator, Aubree Marino-Fundraising, Mahesh Agarwal-Rotary International, Derald Bulls-Director at Large, Reeves Hayter-Sergeant at Arms.
Rotary’s moto is “Service Above Self” and this past year, the club began new service projects to help the community.  A blood drive was held for Carter Blood Care and a competitive but fun “stuffing drive” between Rotary and Kiwanis Club of Paris was held for the Downtown Food Pantry. Girls Night Out, the club’s annual fundraiser set record attendance numbers and raised $21,000.  The majority of these funds went towards revitalizing and upgrading dental supplies and equipment for the Dental Project which is the club’s Signature Service Project.  With the help of several local dentists, their staff, and club members the Dental Project serves many local 2nd grade students by providing free dental exams and sealants. Each year, the club also purchases over 700 dictionaries to distribute to 3rd graders who use them to assist in STAAR testing. Funds were also given to Paris Junior College for scholarships at Paris Junior College, several local non-profit organizations, and to Rotary International Service Projects which include Polio Plus and the Guatemala Literacy Project.  Incoming President, Julie Anderson along with the new Rotary Officers have made increasing membership as their main goal this year.  By increasing memberships, the club can better serve the community.  This new year brings not only program speakers about local events and interest relevant to the Paris area, but will include fun and exciting things club members can do together for the betterment of our community.  The club meets every Thursday from 12-1 at Tyler’s Pizzeria on 271 North and would like to invite anyone interested in finding out more about Rotary Club of Paris United to join them.  For additional information visit