What’s Pink and White and Friday Night? Crosstown Showdown with a purpose! Paris High will wear pink instead of navy and white, and North Lamar will ditch their blue and gold during the 2016 Crosstown Showdown on Nov. 4.
Exclusive pink T-shirts are for sale through each Booster Club. Fans are encouraged to wear the shirts to “pink out” R. L. Maddox stadium. The shirts are $11 and $1 for each shirt sold will benefit cancer research.
Orders are due this Friday, Oct. 21.
Thank you,
Jeanne Kraft
Football tickets go on sale Thursday (Oct 20) at 8:00 am until 2:00 pm and Friday (Oct 21) from 8:00 am until 2:00 pm. You may purchase adult and student tickets at Paris High School’s store before school and during lunch. Please, there will not be any pre-sale tickets before Thursday (Oct 20).