Happy Thursday!
Event: silent auction/shuffleboard tournament
Date: Oct. 20, 2017
Location: Jerry’s Bar and Grill
Benefiting: Luci Joyce Martinez unborn daughter of Saul Martinez and Abby Brummell
Time: 5:30 pm
The Camp Republican Party will meet Saturday (Oct 21) 9:00 am in the Hanson-Sewell Center, 237 College Street in Pittsburg. Gary Smith will discuss the status of the Leadership Institute, and we will go over the resolutions on Tuesday’s (Nov 7) election ballot.
Hope to see you on Saturday, October 21st!
We will cut a ribbon for Rustville Essentials’ Soap Shop Saturday (Oct 28) at 10:00 am.
If you wish to participate in Main Street Trick or Treat this year, please go to the form located at https://goo.gl/forms/uMLkD2g1M044WJI72 and fill it out. Trick or Treat Main Street will be Tuesday (Oct 31) from 5:00 pm until 7:00 pm. Please note, anyone wishing to participate is 100% responsible for buying the candy that they will be handing out. The City will not be providing any candy this year to business owners. If you have questions, please contact the Community Development Office at City Hall.
FBC Pittsburg Fall Fest, October 31st, 5:30-7:30, Pm fbcpittsburg.org 300 Jefferson St
At the November Board of Directors meeting, we will elect new board members and officers for 2018. We will be replacing five board members. If you are interested in serving on the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, please contact the office before Tuesday (Nov 7).
Pittsburg Christmas Parade is Saturday (Dec 2) at 1:00 pm. The Theme for the parade will be “A Texas Christmas.” The Grand Marshal will be Darnell Thomas.
Chamber Christmas Open House will be at the Holman House Thursday (Dec 14) starting at 5:30 pm until.
Project Graduation will be having a reindeer run Saturday (Dec 2) at 6:00 pm. It is the same day as the parade. You can register at Smith Furniture $25.00 entry fee includes a shirt.
We are working on next years Chamber Directory. Please go to www.pittsburgchamber.com/members. You need to search for your business’ name and make sure the information is correct. If it is not, that is the way it will show up in the Directory. If it is incorrect, please contact me, and I will tell you how to fix it.
Be sure to check the Chamber website for more things going on in the area www.pittsburgchamber.com.
Have a Great weekend!
Allen Weatherford
Camp County Chamber of Commerce