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Pittsburg-Camp Chamber: Dec.1st-12th events: Christmas parade moved to Saturday 12/10/16 @1pm



Happy Thursday!

The first Main Street Market was a great success! The next market is Saturday, and the theme is ‘Make Mine Vintage.’ We will accept vendors that offer antiques, vintage, repurposed, shabby chic, etc. For details, please email [email protected].

Now get out your calendars, because it is fixin’ to get busy in Pittsburg.

Today (Thursday, Dec 1) at 5:00 pm is the Kiwanis Pancake Supper at the Cafetorium.

Friday (Dec 2) Latin Night with DJ Ulises 8:00 pm until12:00 am, Barefoot Bay Marina

Saturday (Dec 3) Cole Scoggins Band 9:00 pm until 1:00 am at Barefoot Bay Marina

Thursday (Dec 8) from 5:00 pm until 7:00 pm, the Chamber’s open house / Christmas party. Our Place Culinary School.

Saturday (Dec 10) at 1:00 pm, The Christmas Parade, shopping downtown, Toy drive and the Patrons at Jerry’s Bar & Grill.

Saturday (Dec 10) get pictures with Santa at Herschel’s and then the Holiday Extravaganza from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm on Rusk Street.

Saturday and Sunday (Dec 11-12) it is “NOEL” Christmas Cantata starting at 6:00 pm both nights at First Baptist Church and it is open to the community.

Two Senoritas is happy to offer a FREE SERVER TRAINING class for area servers.

“TOP 10 THINGS Every Server Should Know”
The class is FREE and promises to be very informative and interactive.
We will give out Door Prizes for all attendees.
Date: Tuesday (Dec 6)
Time: 2:00 pm until 3:30 pm
Place: Two Senoritas Banquet Room
RSVP: 903-380-3285 by Monday (Dec 5) to reserve your place
This class is being offered to all local servers or friends that have considered becoming a server.

This year’s Pittsburg-Camp County Chamber Banquet is Thursday (Jan 29) starting at 6:30 pm at Emmanuel Baptist Church, 831 Loop 179, Pittsburg. You are invited to attend our member banquet, which also serves as our annual meeting of the members. We will introduce the new board of directors and give awards to deserving members of the community.

Be sure to check the chamber website for more things going on in the area, Have a great weekend,

Allen Weatherford
Executive Director
Pittsburg/Camp County Chamber of Commerce