Happy Thursday!
Today starts the Tag Sale at First United Methodist Church
A Night to Glow 5k Run & Family Fun Glow Walk! This year features a One Mile Glow Run/Walk + 5K Glow race – followed by a carnival in the First Baptist Church Pittsburg, parking lot! It is Saturday (Oct 15) at 5:00 pm.
Digital Mammography Right in Your Neighborhood! The ETMC Mobile Digital Mammography Unit is at two of the Cypress Bank locations on Friday (Oct 14) in Pittsburg and Friday (Oct 28) at Mt Pleasant. To schedule a digital mammogram, please call ETMC at 800-648-8141 and press No. 3. Medicare, Medicaid and all commercial insurance including Blue Cross/Blue Shield are accepted and filed. Grants are available for ladies without insurance that qualifies based on family size and income. Otherwise, the cost of mammogram will be $150.00.
Exciting things are happening at Pittsburg Nursing Center, and we want to share some important news with you. Loyalty from our community like you has fueled continued growth, prompting the new owners of Pittsburg Nursing to build a brand new state of the art facility right here in our very own community.
The new building will be located next to ETMC Pittsburg and include beautiful rooms with private baths or showers and the ever important feeling of home. Fine dining, quality care, and a highly-trained, friendly, local staff will be available during a patient’s stay at Pittsburg Nursing. The new building will also house a fully-equipped rehabilitation gym for treatment using the most advanced medical equipment.
“One of the best features in our community is that most of the staff, families, and residents are local to Pittsburg,” says Ashley Hong, Business Development. “There’s lots of longevity and loyalty in our community. We’re the only skilled nursing facility in Pittsburg. There won’t be a finer facility anywhere in the state of Texas.”
Please stay tuned for our groundbreaking celebration in 2017. To meet our groundbreaking goal, Pittsburg Nursing Center is in the process of a huge census push, and your support is appreciated.
It is time again to work on the 2016-2017 City of Pittsburg CommuniTee T-shirt. I have met with the representative from LogoNation and have settled on a design for this year’s T-Shirt. The T-shirts are a community project that enables us to hand them out at community functions and for special visitors to Pittsburg. I have personally met with Alyssa Record, our communiTee representative. We have worked with this company for the last several years, and I encourage you to participate in this program.
We are happy to announce that we have a new GED teacher! Lydia Reed, who teaches GED classes at the college, is teaching our class on Fridays from 3:30-5:00. Join us or help us spread the word! Storytime is every Thursday at 4:00. Don’t forget we have bestsellers, make copies, send or receive faxes, have an ongoing book sale, Free WIFI, public internet computers, magazines, audio books, CDs, DVDs, & we clean DVD’s and games! Come check the Pittsburg-Camp County Public Library out!
Have a great weekend,
Allen Weatherford
Executive Director
Pittsburg/Camp County Chamber of Commerce