At the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Paris Junior College Board of Regents, they approved the contract with the Association of Community College Trustees to conduct a presidential search. They also approved a motion to have the board president, Curtis Fendley, prepare a contract for an interim president and discuss the position with the candidate interviewed earlier in the meeting. These actions follow the announcement by Dr. Pam Anglin, PJC President, at the September board meeting that she would be leaving at year-end.
In other business, the Board:
• Received a financial update from Controller Debra Craig, including an explanation of the change to state funding from HB 8. The college used to receive funding over ten months. Now, state appropriations come three times: half in October and a quarter in February and June. They will take extra steps to ensure stable cash flow throughout the year.
• After considering bids received for asbestos removal and demolition for Masters Apartments, the Board accepted the offer of $448,500 from Headstrong Environmental for asbestos abatement and the request of Lloyd Nabors of $177,500 for destruction.
• Approved the Basic Safety Plan, Continuity of Operations Plan, and Active Threat Annex, as required annually. Including a train derailment annex in Sulphur Springs was the only substantive change from the previous year.
• Reviewed the proposed 2024-2025 Academic Calendar dates from Vice President of Academic Studies Rob Stanley. The calendar was approved, including a one-time closure of PJC for the solar eclipse on April 8, 2024.
• Heard a report on Student Achievement Targets. Due to changes from the State of Texas, the college adjusted goals last year. The information goes back to the fall of 2021.
• Received a report on Low Enrollment Programs from Dr. Michael Erny, Vice President of Workforce Development.
• Received an update on softball field construction and the process.
• Heard that fall 2nd 8-week term enrollment is up 3.8 percent in contact hours and 5.71 percent in headcount from a year ago.
• Updated on events including the Halloween Carnival on October 31, Homecoming Parade at 4 p.m. on November 2, President’s Reception on November 3, and Distinguished Alumni Award Luncheon, Hall of Honor Induction, and men’s and women’s basketball games with the crowning of the King and Queen at halftime of the men’s game on November 4.
• Accepted the employment of James Evenson, Information Technology Server/Desktop Integration Technician, effective October 16. Dean of Business and Industry Development Dean Eric Lewis, effective November 6, and Aviation Technology Faculty/Program Coordinator, effective October 16; and the resignation of Licensed Vocational Nursing Faculty Amanda Jackson, effective October 2.