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Read Across Aikin Celebration




Aikin students observed the birthday of Dr. Seuss by participating in Read Across Aikin, a school-wide competition which resulted in more than 9,000 books being read, tested, and passed.

There was a celebration for the students who read the most books. Paris High School Drumline, cheerleaders and Cat Gut brought the giant inflatable Wildcat to Aikin. They played and cheered while students ran through the tunnel before being treated to popsicles.

Kindergarten classes had a goal of reading 75 books during the two week period. All classrooms met the goal and participated in the celebration. First, through fourth-grade classes competed in teams. The winning teams treated to the celebration were 1st grade: Lamb, Moree, and Kennedy; 2nd grade: McFadden, Mayes, and Burgess; 3rd grade: Echeverria, Nutt and Felts; and 4th grade: Hinton, Satcher, and Michael.