PARIS – The Texas Department of Transportation will host a series of regional public workshops in December 2016 and January 2017 to gain insight from the public regarding the federal Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities program.
During these statewide seminars, the public will learn about rural public transit from local providers and help identify and prioritize issues and needs facing this transportation program. The first workshop is Tuesday (Dec 13) at 1:30 pm at the TxDOT District Office, Room VTC-1, at 1365 North Main Street, Paris, Texas.
“The needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities are at the center of the Section 5310 program. So we need input from local stakeholders such as transit users, organizations serving seniors and people with disabilities, nonprofit agencies, transit districts, and local governments,” said Kari Banta, program manager for TxDOT’s Public Transportation Division. “These stakeholders will help guide Section 5310 funding decisions for the next two years.”
Some workshops will occur simultaneously at satellite locations. The workshops will also be available online so the public can listen in, view presentations, and offer input from their homes or other places more convenient to them.
A workshop schedule and instructions for attending via webinar will be updated regularly at under the Hearings and Meetings Schedule. Provided is an online survey link. Also, you may post input or questions via telephone hotline at (512) 360-0668.
For more information, contact Sonya Hudson, TxDOT public transportation coordinator, at (903) 799-1310. Texas Public Transportation provides mobility options, reduces traffic congestion, conserves fuel, improves air quality, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and supports emergency preparedness in the areas it serves.
TxDOT promotes and supports public transportation by collaborating with local governments, nonprofit entities, and other transportation providers. TxDOT provides funding to assist the needs of elderly individuals and persons with disabilities when current transportation service is unavailable, insufficient or inappropriate.