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Sulphur Springs City Council Meeting Tuesday August 6 at7pm


August 6, 2024
City Hall 201 N. Davis St
7:00 P.M.

The regular meeting of the Sulphur Springs City Council will be held at 7:00 p.m.
on Tuesday August 6, 2024. The following items will be discussed:
1. Call to order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag, Texas Flag, and invocation.
3. Presentations, proclamations, and announcements.
a.) National Health Week Proclamation.
b.) Hopkins County Memorial/Christus Mother Frances Proclamation.
4. Manager’s report will include a status report of capital improvements, municipal
operations, accidents and claims for the month, and a review of expenditures and
5. Discussion/action on Consent Agenda.
6. Discussion/action on the public hearing and second and final reading of Ordinance
No. 2859 for Planned Unit Development (PUD).
7. Discussion/action- First Reading of Ordinance No. 2860 – An Ordinance of the
City Council of the City of Sulphur Springs, Texas, amending Ordinance No.
2835, the 2023-2024 Annual Budget Ordinance.
8. Discussion/action Resolution No. 1429, authorization of Cyber Liability and Data
Breach Response Interlocal Agreement.
9. Discussion/action on Resolution No. 1435 approval of the City of Sulphur Springs
water conservation contingency plan.
10. Discussion/action on Resolution No. 1436 appointing directors and a chairman
for the Board of Directors of City of Sulphur Springs Tax Increment Financing
Reinvestment Zone #1 and providing an effective date.


11. Discussion/action on Resolution No. 1437 a resolution of the City of Sulphur
Springs, Texas, to authorize the Mayor to apply/accept a grant award “Catalytic
Converter Grant” through the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority
12. Discussion/action on Resolution No. 1438 a resolution of the City of Sulphur
Springs, Texas, to authorize the City Manager to execute a multiple use agreement
with Texas Department of Transportation. Allowing the installation and operation
of automated license plate reader cameras in Texas Department of Transportation
right of ways.
13. Discussion/action on a motion to approve an amendment to the 2019-2023 Capital
Improvements Plan for to provide for additional curb replacement on Holiday
Drive and Alabama Street, and to provide for increased costs of materials and
labor since the plan was adopted.
14. Discussion/action on bids and award of contract for chemicals to be used at the
Water Treatment Plant, Wastewater Treatment Plant.
15. Discussion/action on proposals and award of contract for reinsurance for the City
of Sulphur Springs Employee Health Insurance Program.
16. Discussion/action on a contract between the City of Sulphur Springs and Kimley
Horn, for design services for TPWD grant for Buford Park Miracle League Field..
17. Discussion/action on the approval of an engagement letter with Vail & Park, P.C.
for Fiscal Year 2024 audit services, authorizing the City Manager to sign
engagement letter.
18. An Executive Session will be held in accordance with Texas Government Code,
Title 5, Chapter 551 – §551.071, Consultation with Attorney;
and §551.087 Deliberations Regarding Economic Development: Thermo 2 and
Thermo 3; and Economic Development regarding land lease.
19. Reconvene.
20. Discussion/action on executive session item, if any.
21. Discussion/action on Resolution No. 1430 a resolution of the city council of the
city of Sulphur Springs, Texas approving a mineral rights lease to Texas Lone
Star brine LLC on behalf of Standard Lithium.
22. Visitors and Public Forum.


23. Adjourn.