The Sulphur Springs City Council will meet Tuesday, June 2 at 7:00 pm
An Executive Session will be held at 6:30 pm in accordance with Texas Government Code, Title 5, Chapter 551.072, Deliberations regarding Real | |
Property. |
The regular meeting of the Sulphur Springs City Council will be held at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, June 2, 2020.
The following items will be discussed:
- Reconvene
- Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag, Texas Flag, and invocation.
- Presentations, proclamations, and announcements.
- Manager’s report will include a status report of capital improvements, wastewater treatment plant operations, accidents, and claims for the month, and a review of expenditures and revenues.
- Discussion/action on a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
- Discussion/action on a motion to approve Resolution NO. 1194 authorizing the City’s participation in the Office of Governor, Public Safety Office Criminal Justice Division Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) Program.
- Discussion/action on a motion to approve the purchase of a new sewer truck.
- Discussion/action on a motion to approve Resolution No. 1195 to select an architectural firm for the new Senior Citizens Building and authorizing the City Manager to execute said documents.
- Discussion/action on approval of a fee schedule for the use of the City Council Chambers.
- Discussion/action on Executive Session item.
- Visitors and public forum