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Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report




From City Manager Marc Maxwell

STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM – A portion of Gossett Lane has been repaved as planned. Junell Street has been milled and is awaiting asphalt paving. Milling is ongoing on Beth, Rasure and Rose Streets. Calvert Street will be milled and repaved during spring break.


We will probably forego the planned reconstruction in the Woodside addition in favor of reconstructing the portion of Woodbridge Drive that crosses between the two ponds. The street is beginning to fail. We think that the culvert between the ponds is failing which in turn is causing the street failure. I am in discussions with the homeowners association on this issue. The responsibility for the culvert will be theirs, while responsibility for the street is the city.


CANTEX FORCE MAIN – This will be our next capital improvement project. It will replace 2,400 linear feet of aging sewer force main and 2,900 feet of gravity main. Currently the main passes through the middle of the hospital complex. This would be a nightmare if the main ever ruptures. The proposed route would go around the hospital complex rather than through it. One-third of the city’s sewage passes through this line.


WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT – The work at the wastewater treatment plant is on schedule. The three primary clarifier basins have been constructed, and the effluent troughs are being constructed now. Other concrete structures adjacent to the clarifiers are under construction. This portion of the project will continue through summer. We will bring the new clarifiers online before work begins on other apparatuses downstream in the treatment process.


CROSSTOWN TRAIL – Construction of the Crosstown Trail in ongoing. This grant-funded project will connect Buford Park to Coleman Park as well as the high school/civic center complex with a concrete path. It will also replace the sidewalk on the north side of Connally Street.

CLAIMS – We did not have any liability claims in January. We had one minor workers’ compensation claim in January.

REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES – Budget Analyst Lesa Smith will give a year-to-date report of revenues and expenditures.

Elsewhere around the city, employees:

  • Made 41 street repairs following utility repairs.
  • Repaired 60 potholes.
  • Graded Pipeline Road and Wisenbaker Lane.
  • Cleaned and repaired the memorial fountain.
  • Sold 1,143 gallons of AvGas and 8,677 gallons of JetA.
  • Hosted Kid Fish Day at Peavine Pinion Pond.
  • Trimmed trees at Senior Citizen Building.
  • Conducted 20 building inspections, 12 electrical inspections, 25 plumbing inspections, 3 mechanical inspections and issued 18 building permits.
  • Treated wastewater to a daily average total suspended solids rating of 1.35 mg/L, well within the limit if 15 mg/L.
  • Responded to 196 animal control calls, took in 59 dogs and cats, and achieved a 53% adoption rate.
  • Made 8 felony arrests in the Special Crimes Unit.
  • Responded to 23 accidents, wrote 578 citations, recorded 33 offenses and made 70 arrests.
  • Repaired 16 water main ruptures.
  • Made 4 water taps.
  • Replaced 28 water meters.
  • Unstopped 36 sewer mains.
  • Repaired 15 sewer mains.
  • Washed 85,000 feet of sewer mains.
  • Flushed 35 dead-end water mains.
  • Performed maintenance on several items at the water treatment plant and the wastewater treatment plant.
  • Treated 130 million gallons of potable water.
  • Checked out 3,091 books and 588 e-books from the library.