A regular meeting of the Sulphur Springs ISD school board was held on Monday, February 11, 2019, in the Library of Sulphur Springs High School.
No one requested to address the Board.
A public hearing was conducted for the 2017-2018 Texas Academic Performance Report.
Glynda Chester, SSISD Police Chief, presented a required report on racial profiling. Since the department submitted an application for exemption, they are automatically considered exempt until the desired change is required.
Officers from BPA, FCCLA, FFA, HOSA, Skills USA and TAFE made presentations to the Board re their organizations.
Kristin Monk and Josh Williams presented highlights of elementary and secondary campuses/programs.
Josh Williams presented TASB Localized Manual Update 112.
Mr. Lamb gave a school finance legislative update.
Head Start items below were given to the Board for informational purposes.
- Head Start Director’s Report – January
Along with routine matters, the following were approved:
Order of Election to call trustee election for Saturday, May 4, 2019.
Resolution 1-19 designating March 11-15, 2019 as Texas Public Schools Week in SSISD. The theme this year is
Personnel changes for the Head Start program, as approved by the Head Start Policy Council on January 11, 2019. The changes are Angela Edwards, Principal/Director of Head Start, and Amanda Ridner, Education Specialist.
Purchase of K-3 ELAR Instructional Materials.
Timeline for Accelerated Instruction waiver application to TEA.
The meeting was paused so that board members could tour several CTE classrooms and enjoy a meal prepared by the SSHS Culinary Arts students.
Retirement Notices
Patricia Fields Music Teacher Barbara Bush Primary
Karen McCormack Librarian Middle School
Gene McKelroy Science Teacher Middle School
Gwen Panter ELAR/SpEd Teacher Middle School
Lisa Wax Science Teacher Middle School
Melissa Evart Ag Science Teacher High School
Mary Jenkins Counselor High School
Personnel Change New Assignment/Campus Former Assignment/Campus
Misti Clark SpEd Aide/High School SpEd Aide/Douglass ECLC