A regular meeting of the Sulphur Springs ISD school board was held on Monday, May 13, 2019.
Carissa Carter was recognized as Valedictorian of the Class of 2019.
Maddie Millsap was recognized as Salutatorian of the Class of 2019.
2018-2019 TASB Business Recognition Program certificates were presented to Ryan McKenzie of Grocery Supply Company and Paul Harvey of Christus Mother Frances Hospital for their support of SSISD and the community.
Travis Primary students and staff gave a DLE Program presentation.
Spring Academic UIL updates were given by Josh Williams (elementary and SS Middle School) and Gerald Grafton (SS High School). The UIL State Championship Literary Criticism Team of Matthew Harper (1st individual), Carissa Carter (3rd individual) and Andrew Westlund (4th individual) were recognized, along with their coach Gail Herman. Teammate Lainey Whittle (5th individual) was unable to attend.
John Bimmerle presented an Instructional Technology update.
Sherry McGraw presented the Board with the budget calendar for 2019.
Elementary and Secondary program updates by Kristin Monk and Josh Williams.
Michael Lamb reported on first round 5th & 8th-grade STAAR test scores.
The Board was given the April Head Start Director’s Report and April Policy Council Meeting Minutes for informational purposes only:
Along with routine matters, the following were approved:
2019-2020 SSISD Head Start Self-Assessment Summary-Program Improvement Plan.
New board member Craig Roberts and unopposed incumbent board members John Prickette and Leesa Toliver were sworn in for three-year terms.
New board officers were elected as follows:
President-Robbin Vaughn, Vice President-Robert Cody, Secretary-Jason Dietze
Three-year contract for copier services with CPI Imaging.
2019-2020 K-5 SLAR Instructional Materials – Benchmark Taller/Benchmark Workshop.
2019-2020 contracted service agreements with Region VIII Education Service Center.
Purchase of school buses without seat belts, due to budgetary constraints.
Larry Mahand Technology Specialist Administration
Tonda Bryant Administrative Assistant Special Services
Ruth Fernandez SpEd Aide Douglass ECLC
Jessica Hendricks SpEd Aide SS Elementary
Cindy Graham English Teacher High School
Amber Perry World History Teacher High School
Jeff Oppenheim Bus Driver Dist-wide
New Personnel
Valorie Frazier SpEd Self-Contained Teacher Barbara Bush Primary
Cassidy Green SpEd Self-Contained Aide Barbara Bush Primary
Linzi Phillips Instructional Aide Barbara Bush Primary
Megan Postlewhait SpEd Aide Barbara Bush Primary
Shara Roden Counselor Bowie Primary
LaCrisha Shimp Receptionist Middle School
Kylie Singleton SpEd Co-Teach Middle School
Heath Gammill Construction Teacher High School
Melissa Peugh English Teacher High School
Reginald Thomas Culinary Arts Teacher High School
Katelyn Webster Math Teacher/Coach High School
Personnel Changes New position/campus Former position/campus
Bryan Cole STEAM Teacher/Middle School Science Teacher/Middle Sch
Angie McCrary Read 180 Teacher/Middle School SpEd Teacher/Middle School