A special meeting of the Sulphur Springs ISD school board was on Thursday, May 28, 2020.
No one requested to address the Board during the Public Forum portion of the meeting.
Curtis Peoples Maintenance Worker Maintenance Dept.
Kristin McKinney Kindergarten Teacher Barbara Bush
Chandra Arvie Grade 4 Teacher SS Elementary
Layne Ashmore P.E. Teacher SS Elementary
Jinjer Postlethwait SpEd Teacher-Middle School
New Personnel
Christina Shadix LSSP Intern Special Services
Janice Pickles Head Start 4 Teacher Douglass ECLC
Kaitlyn Chapman Grade 1 Math & Science Barbara Bush
Katy Gifford SpEd Aide Barbara Bush
Sarah Ingle Grade 1 ELAR Teacher Barbara Bush
Sarah Miles Kindergarten Math & Science Barbara Bush
Brenda Wies Grade 3 ELAR Teacher Bowie
Sherry Baugh Grade 4 ELAR Teacher SS Elementary
Cain Langhoff Grade 4 ELAR/SS Teacher SS Elementary
Johnathan Stevenson Technology Specialist Middle School
Lou Gebel Auto Tech/Construction High School
Taylor Thompson Animal Science Ag Teacher-High School
Personnel Change New Position/Campus Former Position/Campus
Brittany Hicks Grade 1 ELAR/Bowie Grade 3 ELAR/Bowie
Natosha Burns Grade 8 Math/Middle School Grade 4 Math/SS Elem