A regular meeting of the Sulphur Springs ISD school board was held Monday, November 14, 2016.
No one requested to address the Board.
Sherry McGraw presented the Financial Accountability Rating for 2015-16.
Ana Aguilar presented a report on Educational Performance of Bilingual/ESL Program for 2015-16 school year.
Board members were provided with copies of the following Head Start items for informational purposes:
- Director’s Report for October
- Office of Head Start Monitoring Review Letter
Along with routine matters, the board approved the following:
As representative to Hopkins County Civic Center Board of Directors for term January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2019.
2016-2017 Campus and District Improvement Plans (high school plan to be presented later).
Localized policy manual update for FFA(LOCAL).
Funds to purchase iPads for grades K-2.
2016-2017 agreement between Sulphur Springs Country Club and Sulphur Springs ISD.
Funds for purchase of district security vehicle from Brian Toliver Ford.
Installment purchase agreement and subsequent first installment payment for purchase of former PJC building.
Ross Funk SpEd teacher/Coach High School
Barbara Henderson Title I Aide SS Elementary
Carrie Kolbe SpEd Aide Connections
Mid-Term Retirements
Howard Harper Shop Mechanic Transportation
Eric Buck Social Studies High School
Doris Landers Attendance Clerk ECLC
Kristy Johnson SpEd Aide Douglas
New personnel
Calvin Hickerson Behavior Intervention Aide Middle School
Kayla Steward Instructional Aide Austin Academic Center
Personnel Change New position/campus Former position/campus
Courtney Hettich SpEd teacher/High School SpEd teacher/Middle School