Volleyball – another great week for our girls – they had a big win over Hallsville on Friday!
Cross Country ran well at Commerce on Saturday – Girls 1st, Boys 3rd.
(the last meet before the district meet on Monday, Oct 26)
**Due to the Varsity Football quarantine – they postponed the SS vs. Ennis game on Friday 10/23 – TBD.
The 9/JV will play Ennis on Wednesday, 10/21.
Monday 10/19
Golf Boys & Girls hosting @ SSCC
Tuesday 10/20
Volleyball at Longview
Tennis at Marshall
8th Football host Pine Tree 5:30
Wednesday 10/21
JV Football at Ennis 6:00 pm (cash at the gate $5)
9A Football host Ennis 5:30 pm (online ticket ssisd.net)
9B football – TBD?
Thursday 10/22
7/8 Volleyball at Hallsville
Friday 10/23
Volleyball at Mt Pleasant
Varsity Football vs. Ennis – NO GAME (Postponed)
Saturday 10/24
NO 7TH Football.