(AUSTIN) — “The plaintiff has filed a purported First Amendment lawsuit that seeks to undermine state sovereignty and force the state of Texas and Texas taxpayers to invest their own money in a manner inconsistent with their values and detrimental to their economic well-being. That is absurd.
“Texas has taken a very open, transparent, and systematic approach, so, ironically, this left-wing group suing Texas is hiding their true intent: to force companies to follow a radical environmental agenda that is often contrary to the interests of their shareholders and to punish those companies that do not fall into lockstep and put politics above earnings.
The ink used to print this frivolous lawsuit is a product of the industry they are trying to eliminate. It is precisely the type of intellectual dishonesty that I have been fighting against. During a time when experts are revising long-term fossil fuel demand projections drastically upward, these groups continue to shove their radical agenda onto consumers and ignore the critical role this sector plays. They will continue to play in our daily lives.”