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Texas Firefighters In California


Mt Pleasant Fire Chief Larry McRae posted the following on Facebook.

(McRae back row fifth from the left)

Yesterday (Saturday) was our last shift on the fire line. Some of us are on R&R today and will leave for home in the morning. Some of the others are on R&R until Tuesday when they do a “crew swap,” which means they will leave the trucks here and fly home on Tuesday. New crew members are flying in on Tuesday to staff the trucks and will resume operations on Wednesday for another 14 days. (FYI: Southwest Air Lines provides charter planes at no cost to make the crew swaps!!) California is burning up. They have five new fires that started today. They are only halfway through their fire season! They may be requesting more resources from Texas in the future. This picture is our Strike Team.

(Texas-141). I want to say thank you to these guys and gal for the hard work they did. We are from different departments, but everyone came together and worked as a team to accomplish our mission. They made my job easy. I was honored to be a part of this group and hope to work with them again! Thank you for all the prayers and comments. They were very appreciated!
(Since we took our masks off for the picture, everyone held their breath for because of COVID-19 protocol.)