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Titus County COVID-19 – 1,030

Titus County’s COVID-19 count is now 1,030 as of Wednesday with 717 recoveries. Reportedly the lab is getting the tests last Tuesday are returning faster, and some are saying they received a negative result. There should be a 30-hour turnaround.


Confirmed Cases

“Confirmed cases” is a statistic that is cumulative from the time tracking began earlier in 2020. It will continue to increase, whether active cases rise or decline.

Active Cases

However, there is no downward trend in the number of new active cases daily. You should follow the requirements for wearing masks, social distancing, and sanitizing to help reduce the virus’s spread. Demands placed upon hospitals and healthcare providers are increasing statewide.

Recovered Cases

While the word “recovered” seems to indicate that the person is over the virus and healthy, it means in this methodology that the person did not die, and they are not contagious any longer.

Recovered is determined by a computer algorithm that looks for cases 14 days after a patient entered into the system and flags the case as recovered. No one checks with the person to verify their current condition.

Long Term Effects

Stats report many people as recovered, but they are still experiencing poor health conditions that may or may not go away with time. Healthcare experts are also warning that recovered people can also develop future health problems due to having the virus.