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Titus County Reports Only One Monkeypox

Officials have confirmed a second monkeypox case in Northeast Texas. Both are not in Titus County, as reported earlier. The Texas Department of State Health Services notified Titus Regional Medical Center that a patient receiving outpatient treatment had the monkeypox virus on Monday. Officials also reported a confirmed case treated at UT-Health East Texas. If a person has an unprotected encounter with a known monkeypox case and begins showing symptoms, they should reach out to their PCP or ED and that hygiene practices are critical. Symptoms of monkeypox can include fever, headache, muscle and back aches, a rash that looks like pimples or blisters on the face, inside the mouth, or other parts of the body, swollen lymph nodes, chills, and exhaustion. Monkeypox spreads by direct contact from person to person, through touching the infectious rash, scabs, or body fluids; intimate face-to-face or physical contact; and touching items such as clothing that connected the contagious rash or fluids. It’s also possible for a person to become infected by an animal with the virus, either by being scratched or bitten, eating meat, or using products from an infected animal.