According to the Pittsburg Police Department, on Monday, a citizen notified the Pittsburg Police Department that their credit card appeared to have a suspicious charge after a recent purchase at McDonald’s in Pittsburg. With the assistance of the local McDonald’s franchise, Pittsburg Police investigated two employees and arrested them after they abused customers’ cards for about two months. On Facebook, McDonald’s alerted the public of the event and offered their deepest apologies. If you were a customer affected at the Pittsburg location, the dates are approximately May 1 to July 15. You should contact the McDonald’s public relations manager Jean Mosley at 318-230-8210 or Chief Lemarr at 903-856-7201.
The Pittsburg Police Department also worked a burglary at 1 Pitt Stop Smoke Shop Friday morning. Officers arrested two juvenile suspects and recovered some of the stolen products after an investigation.