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Update: Student Treated for Meningitis Symptoms Dies Health Department Says No Confirmation



North Lamar High School senior Thomas Parker who was being treated for meningitis symptoms passed away today. North Lamar senior Thomas Parker. Parker was tested for the virus after being taken to the emergency room.  

A GoFundMe account has been set up in Parker’s name to help with funeral costs. You can donate here. 

Paris-Lamar County Health Department has no confirmed case of Neisseria meningitis as of 3PM, December 9th, 2016.  The condition which we were concerned about.  We will issue another statement in 48-72 hrs.

Parents should stay alert in case their child shows symptoms of the illness.

People may experience:
Pain areas: in the back, muscles, or neck
Whole body: fever, chills, lethargy, loss of appetite, malaise, or shivering
Gastrointestinal: nausea or vomiting
Skin: blotchy rashes or red rashes
Also common: irritability, light sensitivity, headache, stiff neck, mental confusion, bulging fontanelle, fast breathing, fast heart rate, fear of loud sounds, headache, lack of interest in feeding in infants, sleepiness, sluggishness, or stiff back