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Weekly Roadwork Report

TxDOT Atlanta District
For Oct. 28 – Nov. 3, 2018

Bowie County
US 259 – At Red River north of De Kalb, constructing a new bridge.
US 67 – At Bassett Creek, upgrading guardrail on the bridge. Alternating one-way traffic across bridge controlled by signal lights.
US 67 – From FM 989 to FM 2148 North, resurfacing highway.

Cass County
FM 3129 – From US 59 to SH 77, upgrading guardrails and adding safety features to drainage structures.

Harrison County
Loop 281– at I-20 overpass, conducting preventative maintenance work on the overpass.
SH 43 – at I-20 overpass, conducting preventative maintenance work on the overpass.

Morris County
US 259 – From I-30 to FM 557, upgrading guardrails, repairing pavement and resurfacing highway.

Panola County
SH 149 – At SH 315, constructing overpass and widening the highway.
US 59 – From Harrison County Line to FM 2792, upgrading guardrails, repairing pavement and resurfacing highway.
FM 699 – At FM 2517, reconstructing intersection. FM 699 closed to traffic on the north side of the intersection. The detour route is signed.

Titus County
US 271 – From the end of freeway section of US 271 to 0.3 mile south of FM 3417, extending freeway lanes and constructing an overpass at FM 3417.
US 271 – At Ripley Creek and Ripley Creek Relief, replacing bridges.

Upshur County
US 271– From SH 155 South to FM 726, upgrading guardrails, repairing pavement and resurfacing highway.

TxDOT Paris District
For Oct. 28 – Nov. 3, 2018

Franklin and Hopkins

Here’s a look at work planned in Franklin and Hopkins Counties during the week of Oct. 29, 2018. These schedules are subject to change due to weather conditions, equipment failure or other unforeseen issues. Motorists are advised to remain alert and pay particular attention to all signs, barricades and traffic controls, and reduce their speed as they approach and travel through work zones. They should also avoid distractions such as cell phones, eating, drinking, or car audio or navigation systems.

Sulphur Springs Area (Hopkins, Franklin Counties):

SH 37, Franklin County: From Mt. Vernon to Winnsboro. Watch for lane closures, and short traffic delays as crews prepare for surfacing operations; flaggers will direct traffic.

SH 154/SH 19, Hopkins County: From SH 11 to Loop 301. Watch for night-time lane closures and short traffic delays as crews perform concrete repair and surfacing operations. Flaggers will direct traffic.


Texas Department of Transportation officials announced that additional crack seal repairs are scheduled this weekend in Paris. As a result, motorists may encounter occasional lane closures.

D&M Contractors LLC, Van, Texas, will continue to crack seal repairs Oct. 27 and 28 at several locations in Lamar County. TxDOT officials said the contractor will work these days to minimize the impact of lane closures on traffic and travelers.

On Saturday, Oct. 27 the contractor will be working on various FM roads in southwest Lamar County. Temporary lane closures will be required to perform this work.

On Sunday, Oct. 28 affected locations include the South Loop 286 interchange; the intersection of Loop 286 and North Main Street to Stone Avenue; State Highway 19/24 from Hearne Street to Clarksville Street; US 82 East from 42nd Street NE to Division Street in Blossom, Texas; and FM 1508 from US 82 East to US 271 South. Some ramp closures will be necessary at the South Loop 286 interchange, and temporary lane closures will occur at the other locations, officials said.

Motorists who frequently travel in these areas are asked to pay special attention to all signs, barricades and traffic controls, and reduce their speed as they approach and move through work zones; especially while these repairs are underway. They should also avoid distractions such as cell phones, eating, drinking, or car audio or navigation systems.

For more information, contact [email protected] or (903) 737-9213.

Delta Lamar and Red River

Texas Department of Transportation officials today announced that a project to improve road drainage in three counties in Northeast Texas begins Oct. 26.

Talbran Enterprises LLC was granted 94 working days, weather permitting, to complete this project valued at more than $519,000. The contractor began setting alert signs Oct. 25 in Delta County, officials said. This project will require temporary lane closures at times.

The contractor will install safety end treatments and replace or extend cross drainage culverts at several locations in Delta, Lamar and Red River Counties. The contractor will begin work Oct. 26 in Delta County, then move to Lamar County, and then to Red River County.

Officials said the project includes installation of roadway underdrains at various locations on Loop 286 in Paris, Texas: as well as US 82, between FM 1508 and FM 2121; and State Highway 19, southbound, around the intersection with FM 2036. This portion of the drainage improvement project is currently scheduled for next winter or early spring (February/March) of 2019, officials said.

Motorists who frequently travel in Delta, Lamar and Red River Counties are asked to pay special attention to all signs, barricades and traffic controls, and reduce their speed as they approach and travel through work zones; especially while these repairs are underway. They should also avoid distractions such as cell phones, eating, drinking, or car audio or navigation systems.

For more information, contact [email protected] or (903) 737-9213.

Greenville and Winnsboro

Texas Department of Transportation officials today announced that more than $800,000 was recently approved by the Texas Transportation Commission to fund improvements at two airports in Northeast Texas.

Majors Field in Greenville, Texas, was awarded $333,000 for engineering and design for drainage improvements. A project consultant will be selected this winter.

Winnsboro Municipal Airport in Winnsboro, Texas, was awarded $463,500 for design and construction of pavement improvements. A consultant will begin design this fall. The cities of Greenville and Winnsboro will help fund project costs at their locations.

This year, TxDOT expects to provide approximately $60 million in funding for planning, constructing and maintaining community airports through its Aviation Facilities Grant Program. About 275 community airports in Texas are eligible for funding.

Arrivals and departures from community airports account for more than three million flight hours per year and provide aircraft facilities for agricultural, medical, business and commuter use.

For more information, contact TxDOT Media Relations at [email protected] or call (512) 463-8700.