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Working Mothers Interrupted More Often Than Fathers

Moms who are working from home are getting interrupted a lot more often compared to fathers. A report from two groups shows mothers in England have only been able to do one hour of uninterrupted paid work for every three continuous hours done by men during the lockdown. The data also shows that mothers are more likely than fathers to have lost their jobs during the pandemic, which adds to fears that the coronavirus crisis has exacerbated inequality and could increase the pay gap.

The researchers say mothers reported taking on more childcare duties and housework compared to fathers, and that mothers reported watching their kids for an average of 10.3 hours per day – 2.3 hours more than fathers – and doing 1.7 more hours of housework compared to fathers. Furthermore, in families where the father had stopped doing work while his partner continued, the father continued, on average, to do the same amount of housework as working fathers.

Read more here.