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North Lamar GT Presents Living Museum

Everett second-grader Cassidy Lee dresses the part of President Donald Trump as she presents interesting facts about his life during her GT class’s ‘Living Museum.’

On Friday morning, the Everett Elementary cafeteria was transformed into a ‘Living Museum.’  The second grade Gifted and Talented students presented famous persons of their choice to students, families and community members. After researching their person, the students were to create a timeline and display representing that person’s life.

Frida Kahlo, a Mexican painter known for her vibrant colors, was brought to life during the Everett Elementary second grade GT ‘Living Museum.’ Student Marion Spencer dressed the part of the artist known for her many portraits, self-portraits, and works that were inspired by the nature and artifacts of Mexico.

Dressing in character, the students’ presentations were in the form of a ‘Living Museum.’  Lara Fendley is the GT teacher at Everett.

The 26th president of the United States is brought to life when Everett’s second grade GT student Drew Trenchard dresses as Theodore Roosevelt.
Second-grader Evie Walker plays the part of Helen Keller at the Everett Elementary Living Museum. North Lamar’s communication specialist Amy Hudson stands in as Anne Sullivan would have done when Helen was growing up unable to hear or see.